Happy memories from 11 years ago! I thought you would enjoy a photo to bring this book excerpt to life! Saturday 21st July 2007 I have moved from a community where I smiled at the hairdresser – had to start dashing past her shop when we changed our allegiances – knew the greengrocer and the newsagent, where the coffee shop knew my husband’s order before he spoke it. And yet all these people didn’t really know us. They knew our faces. We were part of their fabric. Occasionally in crisis they contacted us, but in the main we were all anonymous to one another. We could dip in and out of society as we chose. We could pretend to ourselves that we were there for everyone, but in reality had only space for so many friends. We were friendly with everyone but not everyone was our friend. It is not the same in the village. We are not anonymous. Everything we do has an effect. So today I find myself covered in green face-paint, wearing a green ball gown and a long red wig. I don’t d...